Black holes, dark matter, gravitational waves and exoplanets: find out how astronomy is unlocking the secrets of the Universe.
Where does space begin?
Ever heard of a massing in astronomy? It's when three or more celestial bodies come together in the sky
Observing guide | Explore the hidden valleys of the Moon
Explore the cracks and troughs that wind across the lunar surface with our detailed observing guide.
Complete guide to the phases of the Moon
A guide to the phases of the Moon, and why its appearance changes night after night from crescent to gibbous and back again.
When Betelgeuse goes supernova, will it be dangerous to observe through a telescope?
How bright will Betelgeuse be when it goes supernova, and would it be safe to observe through a telescope?
What do stars look like up close?
What does a star really look like, and how do astronomers know?
The gravitational constant and why it's fundamental to the Universe
Autumn equinox explained
When is the equinox in 2023, and what does September equinox mean for stargazers?
Solstices and equinoxes explained
How Earth's tilt and orbit gives us seasons, solstices and equinoxes, and when they are occurring in 2024.
Hubble captures 200 million stars in biggest mosaic image of our neighbouring galaxy ever produced
Three supermoons are visible in 2025. Find out when the next one is and how to see it.
What does the term 'supermoon' mean, when is the next one and are they really bigger than a regular full Moon?
BepiColombo 6th Mercury flyby images
What causes a rainbow?
What causes a colourful rainbow to appear in the sky after rain?