Black holes, dark matter, gravitational waves and exoplanets: find out how astronomy is unlocking the secrets of the Universe.
"Mouldy pizza" moon is most volcanic place in the Solar System. NASA has just found out what's going on inside it
This black hole is firing out a jet that's smashing into a massive object, and astronomers don't know what it is
Elon Musk wants to colonise Mars – but is it actually possible? Here's what an astrophysicist thinks
A beginner's guide to asteroids
What are asteroids, where do they come from and how can you see an asteroid in the night sky?
Astronomers keep finding more and more "weird" objects, and they could unlock the secret to life on Earth
How did Mars get its moons?
Goldilocks Zone
Hubble has seen "weird things" around a powerful black hole. Here are 6 reasons why this new image is so amazing
December solstice explained
Star FU Orionis extreme change in brightness
From shooting stars to cosmic rays and even gravity. This is how space affects Earth and life on our planet
How sailors used the stars to navigate at sea
Is this a googly eye in space? No, it's a solar eclipse on Mars captured by one of NASA's rovers
Guitar Nebula
Webb Telescope captures spectacular view of hat-shaped galaxy. But where is its glowing core?
Astronomers have captured the first ever close-up image of a star beyond our Galaxy
Nanorods could terraform Mars
Nadir crater
The planet that survived being ripped apart by its star
Where did Mars's atmosphere go?
Webb sees impossible black holes. Scientists may have an answer
Light can't escape their grasp, so how do scientists study black holes? We asked a theoretical physicist to find out
How do you study an object so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull?
This is what would happen if you fell into a black hole
If you fell into a black hole, could you survive? What would happen, and what would you see?